Antenatal Care
I am here to guide you and hold your hand in getting you the feeding experience you would like.
I don't believe in one visit or one consultation and 1 follow up in assisting mums with feeding difficulties; effective feeding support to see results and changes to your situation requires continuous care.
See my packages below to see which one would suit you best.
My packages offer continuous support after the initial assessment and recommendations.
This is to allow you to continue asking any questions you may have and for any reassurance you may require. I feel this is the key to adequate feeding support when there are challenges.

Antenatal breastfeeding session 1:1
£ 250
Antenatal knowledge is key to getting your breastfeeding journey off to a good start. Arm yourself with everything you need to and want to know about feeding your newborn. Antenatal sessions are tailored towards your intention on how you want to feeding your little one; whether its exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding with the odd bottle for assistance, pumping and breastfeeding. Common issues are discussed to help you be aware how to avoid this and encourage early troubleshooting for a better feeding experience. If you have had a previous feeding experience that you would like to discuss and aim for a different experience this time or if you have any medical issues such as PCOS, diabetes, breast augmentation/implants or anything that you are worried about affecting your breast-feeding experience, this is the session for you.
2 hour session
Can be face to face (if located in London or Zoom)
Attachment & positioning
What to do after birth to facilitate breastfeeding
Managing expectations of the first month
Hand expressing (kit provided by me)
Colostrum vs mature milk
How to maintain supply
How to recognise baby is getting enough
How to avoid problems/ deal with them
Discussion of any history that can impact your feeding experience and putting a plan in place to ensure a positive start to breastfeeding
Pumping/ Mix feeding (if that is your preference)
Any questions you may have!
WhatsApp support in the first week to get feeding off to a good start
A copy of the eBook version of my feeding guide

Antenatal Colostrum Harvesting
Colostrum harvesting has many benefits to you and your baby. For mums, it allows you to get familiar with the anatomy of your breasts and help you confidently hand express after the baby is here should you need to and also be confident in your ability to produce and feed your baby. It's a great skill to know if you need to relieve any engorgment or blocked ducts once your milk comes in postnatally. For babies, it reduces their likelihood of receiving formula should they need any top ups or have difficulties in feeding, especially if they are born prematurely, going to be in NICU, mum has gestational diabetes or has a caesarean.
1 hr session
Within London only
Full colostrum harvesting kit provided by myself ( syringes,caps, labels, bag)
Will show you the correct technique to obtain colostrum
Will be present with you to start you off to ensure good technique and reassure that labour has not/ will not start
Will be available on WhatsApp for 1 week after baby is born for support / reassurance
Will obtain as many syringes as possible in the home visit to get your stash off to a good start!

Antenatal 1:1 Session Bottle Feeding
You may decide to bottle feed or combination feed before your baby is here. This could be your choice or down to any medical reason. There's so many decisions to make in regards to bottle feeding that parents may not be aware of or may be confused due to the market being saturated with products and all of them claiming to be the best.
Can be face to face (if located in London or Zoom)
How to feed baby
What milk to use
If pumping, how to store and use breastmilk
Positions to hold baby while feeding
How to burp baby
Bottles and teats
How much to feed baby
Responsive bottle feeding
Any questions you may have!
WhatsApp support 1 week following baby's birth
Book a Package with Ease
Step One
Fill in the referral form
Step Two
Submit and await rely from myself with appointment and invoice
Step Three
Once payment received, support can commence

Antenatal/ Postnatal package
Conflicted advice from different healthcare professionals can confuse parents and negatively impact their feeding experience. Continuous care and support in regards to feeding can help build your confidence in your ability to feed but also have a trusted source who can hold your hand and answer all yours questions as and when you need.
Antenatal preparation session (video or home visit if based in London )2 hr session
Hand expressing kit and face to face session (London Based)
2 postnatal home visits (London based)
WhatsApp support for up to 4 weeks post birth
a copy of the eBook version of my feeding guide
*If you are not London Based additional Whatsapp Support can be arranged
Get in Touch
I just need some key bits of information from you to get to know you a bit and find out about your situation so I can see how best I can support you. Just simply fill in the referral form and wait to hear back from me with an appointment and invoice to secure your chosen package and then we can get started!
My packages do not come with any guarantee. You are paying for my time and extensive knowledge to help achieve you get the feeding experience you desire and maximise your potential to reach your goals. I am your advocate, I will actively listen to your concerns, help direct you to any external professional if required and help form a feasible feeding plan/ journey so you are in a better place than at the start of our consultation. My job is to hold your hand and guide you appropriately, provide rationale to any changes we make and see where it leads us.