Feeding Your Newborn Guide - eBook

Sale Price:£24.00 Original Price:£30.00

How to get started & troubleshoot your feeding problems; Breastfeeding, bottle feeding & pumping.

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Aim of the book

This is a revised edition of my feeding guide. The main aim of this book is to help get your feeding journey off to a good start and help you troubleshoot any problems early on to aid a more successful feeding journey, whether you choose to breastfeed, bottle feed, pump or combine. I wanted mums to have something on hand to refer to at a time where they may not be able to access 1:1, face-to-face support with a specialist as well as have something to refer to if anything changes in their feeding journeys.

Mums who intend to breastfeed may decide to give a bottle later on by choice or for a reason out of their control, or they may need to pump. This guide will help support mums through the first 6 months in establishing feeding their newborn. This revised edition includes information about medical conditions that impact lactation, having a ceasarean section and breastfeeding, pain relief options, periods impacting lactation and feeding multiples.

This guide is not just for mums, but for health care professionals too who are able to provide feeding support to mums and babies. Whether you are a midwife, health visitor, student midwife/ nurse, NICU nurse, paediatrician or GP (or any other professional I have missed that provides feeding support), this guide is suitable for you to to enhance your knowledge to better support mums and newborns.

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